Learn about the program level report process for FVT/GE Reporting. The two most recent award years need to be completed on the student level report before the program level report will generate.
It’s important to note that many of those additional data fields are optional. They are only required if you’re accreditor requires that information. So you want to check and make sure that those are required to report.
This session is intended for post-secondary institutions active with FVT/GE Reporting.
The Clearinghouse's FVT/GE program level report file is expected to be the least complex of all the reporting asks of the institution. The program file is the third and last requirement. It is focused on the current award year and is essentially a list of all your programs with at least 30 completers over the last four award years and it provides information on program enrollment, accreditation, licensure and licensure exams.
Once you've completed the most recent two award years of your student level report, the Clearinghouse will create your initial program file with the header fields that your institution must provide or supplement with institutional data. We're going to build this file based on the enrollment data that your school has provided to us during the standard Enrollment Reporting process and subsequently the FVT/GE process. We're going to take those programs that fall into the most recent award year that have at least 30 graduates in the four-digit CIP code family and we are going to pull the program name, CIP code, credential level, program length, total enrollment including both title IV recipients and non-recipients. If you've completed that before you begin work piece about qualifying graduate programs, we're going to pull that information into this report as well and then we're also going to provide you with the states in your metropolitan statistical area where your institution's main campus is located.
On the Clearinghouse's FVT/GE dashboard, the program level report tile is available. Click select report.
It's going to provide some information on what the program level report process is and why institutions have to report this data. There is the file specifications document, which is basically the file layout, click continue.
This will take you to where you will be able to download the program file.
At the top we have this pizza tracker menu. Once you've gone to one of these pages, you'll be able to click back and click through, if available. There is the file specifications document again.
Under that, your program file in a CSV format. Click download.
Your program file has been populated with all data elements the Clearinghouse is able to populate on your behalf. You'll augment that with the required data elements -- that additional 40% of the data elements that are missing. You will tell us whether or not the program is programmatically accredited and if so, the name of the accrediting agency, the total number of graduates who took and passed the licensure exam and then whether or not that program is accredited in each of those states.
On the download program file page, you can access the file and download history. Once you've downloaded and augmented the file with your data, continue to securely upload that file back through our portal.
On the data upload page, you'll drag and drop your file in CSV format. Once you've done that, we're going to give you this little green star with the check mark in it that tells you that you've uploaded your file, who uploaded it and on what day they uploaded it. You also have the option of downloading a copy of that.
Once we go to this data corrections page, we're going to give you some information on this file that you sent to us: how many total programs did you include, how many errors are on those programs, how many warnings are on those programs. And then access the data correction for the program file.
We're going to give you some instructions on how to review and validate your errors and warnings and then you'll be able to continue to accept and send your program level report. You'll see this split out by errors, warnings and then a tab for all of your programs and all of the errors on your programs. Looking at the errors, these are all going to be at the program level because that's what is included on this file. Going to the warnings. The warnings are very similar. Click into these warnings, it gives you the opportunity to bulk update these warnings. You would bulk update them and then the warning would be updated and it would be cleared. You can also acknowledge them. If you want to keep the value that you've sent to us, click acknowledge selected records and we will keep the value you've sent to us. On this final tab, you'll have a list of all of your programs and then all of your programs with errors. You can drill down into the specifics of each program as well and you'll be able to see the exact accreditation and licensure information that you've provided. There's an error on this count of program graduates who pass the licensure your exam that says the count passed is greater than the count of students that attempted the licensure exam. We'll give you some details on that particular error. Here you'll be able to update it. Once you click validate, that error will disappear. It has a warning here. We'll give you some information on how to resolve it. This one requires it to be a number for the count of enrolled students in the program. We're going to include 10,000 as the number of enrolled students in this particular program. We're going to click validate and it's going to clear the warning. So we have no errors and no warnings on this program.
We're going to return to data correction. We've cleared all errors. There's 20 warnings. That's not going to prevent us from loading this data and sending this file to NSLDS.
That blue bar at the very top. This blue bar becomes available after you've completely accepted your student level report. It's critical because we're going to sync the program file with any changes that you've made in your student level report. So if there have been significant changes to which students or programs have removed like in the student level demo that we did where if your institution has changed graduated statuses to withdrawn and it's caused us to take and remove program student combinations from the student level report. This sync allows us the opportunity to make those same changes here so that your student level and your program level report continue to be in sync or have that same data set. So we are going to run that match to make sure that these files stay parallel to each other before we submit that data set to the NSLDS.
So you'll see at the bottom here this has now been marked as continue to accept and send. Click continue to accept and send.
It's going to take me to this final screen where I'll be able to accept and send this data to NSLDS. It gives the opportunity to download a copy of this program level report where you can see exactly what is going to be sent to NSLDS. You can view this download history of who else has downloaded this program level report. Once you have taken a look at this, click this final accept and send to NSLDS. That will complete the process. We will give you an audit trail that it was accepted by such and such user on such and such date. If you have any questions, you can of course contact us.
Return to the homepage and this has now been completed. There will be a discrepancy resolution process if we get any errors back from NSLDS where we will present those to you for the program level report.
That's a very quick run through of the actual program file.