Get an introduction into what StudentTracker 3.0 is and learn about the dashboard.
This session is intended for secondary institutions active with StudentTracker 3.0.
Thanks for joining this webinar to learn about StudentTracker 3.0. I am going to review some things about the service and go into the application. This is meant to be short. I'm only focusing on a few pieces of functionality. Going forward, I will work with my client education specialist to create short videos you can watch at your own speed and learn about 3.0. Starting with the web pages. Here is the URL. This is the information I keep up to date for StudentTracker 3.0. And as you scroll down, you'll see some general information about the service. I'm going to talk a little bit about no more effective dates and no more PDFs. When I show you the application, you'll see that it's going to be interactive. There's some new learner outcomes and then you'll be able to get your student level detail report when you want it and there are some enhancements to that detail report. So I'm going to go to the FAQs. I know you have a lot of questions and I might have all of them answered here. First, when is your account moving? It's going to be a rotating, slow migration. We're staggering it. Not everyone is moving at the same time. The goal is to start in mid-to-late December. So it should be just a little bit after this fall's effective date. You'll get your fall reports based on the current StudentTracker service and then you can start moving to 3.0 and looking at the comparisons, tracking, seeing how the new outcomes are displayed in 3.0. Here is an email. If you have questions, this will come directly into me. I look at that email box about once a day. I know there's questions about when the other services will move over like Outreach and those education organizations, we don't have a date for that yet. The current 3.0 is focused on the StudentTracker secondary. Scrolling down. At this point, we do not yet have a date for when the current service will be retired. I would love for everyone to be using 3.0 by spring of next year. We will see how that plays out. I know there will be a lot of questions, so I don't want to take away the existing service till everyone is clear. Plus there is still some functionality that we have to build. So this question right here shows what is not yet built in 3.0 and this is dated as of November the 4, 2024, when I'm filming this. One more thing. Here, there is a download document for your student level detail report. We are making enhancements to the detail report. There will be a separate tutorial just on the detail. You can click on here and see the new mapping to understand the new colums of data we're adding. Specifically, the enrollment majors, the class level indicating whether the student is a freshman, sophomore, junior ...all of that is outlined here in this document. So please give it a read so you'll know what to expect when you're on 3.0 and you're getting your student level detail. Now I want to show you the application. I'm going to have a user manual so you will know exactly how to log on when you come into StudentTracker 3.0. You come to a landing page, a dashboard. Right here, it's just about the first year enrollments. Down here, we have retention and persistence. And then we have completers. Hopefully those three ring bell. They're very similar outcomes in the current StudentTracker PDF report. 3.0 does not have a PDF, you are coming right into this via the web. This data in 3.0 is going to be refreshed every morning. Today 11/4 it was refreshed at 6:59 a.m. So this is a big change from the current service where you have effective dates. You have to wait for us to set the date, you don't have to wait for us to generate the reports and send them to your FTP. In 3.0, you'll be able to come out and access your data every day might be a little bit too often but once a week and you'll get a sense of what's going on with your student high school cohorts. So I want to talk about this first outcome here, which is your first year enrollment. Notice how it's the class of 23-24 and I bet some of you are saying I thought we couldn't get data for the class of 2024 until after the effective date. Well because no more effective dates, you can start seeing data for the most current class within about two days or so after you've submitted that file of graduates successfully. Here is a little help content that helps you understand the date range we use for determining a high school class. This was defined by our Research Center 12-13 years ago when we launched the StudentTracker for High Schools service. So if you look here, you're going to see hey wait a minute, enrollment in college during high school. Yep, that is a brand new outcome that we are now going to report for you. Dual enrollment is very popular nowadays. Many, many students are taking classes during high school. So we're showing you that stat. We still have the enrollment in first fall and first year that we currently return. And, while you see the percentages, you'll be able to hover over each outcome to get the counts. Today, if you're looking at this, your outcomes for first fall and first year will be exactly the same. And you're saying, "what does that mean?" And then, you see over here students currently enrolled. Well, how is that different? To help explain that I'm going to expand here. This is where we have put help content to help you understand exactly how those outcomes are calculated. First fall has always been a date range of a postsecondary term 8/15 through 10/31 of the graduation year. When we look at a first year it's 8/15 of the graduation year through 8/14 of the next year. So keep those dates in mind. And then for current enrollment, it's based on today whether that student has an enrollment term that begins, ends or crosses through the current date. So with those dates, you'll see how these could overlap at any given point in time or how they could be different. If you come out here on December 30th, you're probably not going to have any students currently enrolled. You might have one or two if they're taking some type of holiday session or something. And again this help content is here, easy for you to see. Scrolling down to retention and persistence. Notice this class is a few years old, which makes sense because to get this outcome, you have to have that first class have completed their first year so that you know what you're measuring. That's your denominator and then whether they're returning for year two. And again, right here we have all of the help content. This is a new outcome as well. If you remember what your PDFs looked like, we only show you if the student returned in year two. In 3.0, you're going to see if the student returned to the same institution in year two. Huge metric for you all that are concerned about your students, helping them make those decisions during high school of where they want to go, are they choosing a school where the odds are higher that they'll succeed. So this helps you see how many return to the same institution. And then, you'll be able to see how many returned to year two at a different institution and whether that different institution was a 4-year, whether it was a 2 year or whether that student is no longer enrolled. It's a brand new way to look at this data. And again, it will be real time, so as colleges continue to submit their data to us, the counts will update accordingly. Again, once a week might be the best to come out. Lastly, the completers. This is real time. This outcome for a class of 19-20 is a few years old because you want to see how these kids are doing and typically it's that four years after the high school graduation. Because it's real time, the greatest thing is you don't have to wait for an effective date to get this outcome, nor do you have to wait six years from the high school graduation to see the credential. Big change here. As of November 4th of 2024, for the class of 1920, there are 25% that have some type of credential, 13% here this light blue are still enrolled no credential yet but because they're still enrolled it's looking like they may complete and then those students that are no longer enrolled here in this kind of a light pink and then the red showing you who have never enrolled. That is your landing page dashboard. You see here that this is 23-24 and down here we have class 21-22 and down here it's 19-20. Every July 1st, this date range will switch. So come July 1st, 2025, this will show high school class of 24-25. This will show high school class 22-23 and so on. We did that intentionally. July is summer. Not a lot of kids go to postsecondary in summer, but we still want to give you those opportunities if you submit your data early like right after students graduate high school and you want to see how many are going to school in the summer, this could be helpful. If you're anxious about seeing stats on students that took enrollment during high school, you'll be able to see that. That's the reason why we decided to change this year every July 1st. In future sessions, I am going to go through these other pieces of functionality like this is where you will go to get your student level detail report, you'll request it right in the application. Here's in accounts and settings where you'll be able to see General information when your subscription ends and who your billing contact is, your users, you're participating high schools. And then each of these outcomes on the landing page have a page 2 where you can click in and see more outcomes. And in a subsequent session, I'm going to go through each one of these, how to understand these, use the breakdowns and filters. Stay tuned for that. As of right now, there's a few coming soon for some functionality over here. Please stay tuned. I hope you're excited about 3.0. Happy to answer any questions. In the FAQs here is the email studenttracker 3.0 at And with that, thank you. Looking forward to the next session.