Learn how to access and download certificates on behalf of your learners from the Myhub administrative dashboard.
This session is intended for post-secondary institutions active with Myhub.
Let's go over how to use Myhub student support to download certificates for your learners. To get started, log into the Clearinghouse's secure site and navigate to Myhub dashboard. Then select student support. Search for the student. Enter the first name and last name and either the student's social security number or student ID number. Then select the certificate type and hit search. This brings up matching. If what was entered doesn't match perfectly, suggested matches are listed. This student only has one suggested match. Here, the last name was entered a little differently than what was in the system. To download the certificate for that student, select the radio button next to the suggested match and then click download certificate. If you don't find the student you're looking for, you can start a new search.
The Clearinghouse's customer care team also has the ability to generate certificates for students should they experience challenges doing it themselves. For more information, you can contact your client success manager or regional relationship manager.