Learn about Error Code 215 and how to the correct the error on the Clearinghouse’s secure site. This error code is related to a previously reported privacy block setting is not included on an incoming record.
Welcome to the error code number 215 tutorial.
Error 215 occurs when a previously reported privacy block setting is not included on an incoming student record. You will need to review the record through the error resolution on the web, make the appropriate selection for the privacy block setting, and submit the record for validation.
The Privacy Block Setting is a reported value that your institution can report on behalf of your students to indicate that your student has elected to block a specific record in their enrollment and/or degree history.
The following values are available for the Privacy Block Setting field:
00 is the institution has reported “No Privacy Block Setting” for this student
01 is this student’s record was blocked for non-consented verification purposes
02-The student’s record was blocked for non-consented student level research purposes
and 03 is the student’s record was blocked for both non-consented verification and non-consented student-level research purposes
To resolve error code number 215,
click on the error number 215 to see the students that are flagging this particular error.
Once you click on the error number, you'll be brought to the error description as well as the entire list of students that are flagging the error. Please review the instructions on how to resolve error number 215, a previously reported privacy block setting is not included on an incoming record.
For more information about the directory block and privacy blocks, select the Directory Block and Privacy Block FAQs link at the bottom of the page.
The Privacy Block Setting to be applied field is pre-populated with the previous certified PBS for your convenience. If this is the Privacy Block Setting value you want, you can select Select All or check the box for each record you’d like to submit and then Submit Selected Records for Validation.
You can also change the selection by selecting the drop-down and choosing the desired Privacy Block Setting. If you submit students with the same Privacy Block as the previously certified value - what is displayed in the Privacy Block Setting to be applied column, a pop-up to confirm your action will be displayed when you click Submit for Validation. If there are multiple pages of student records with this error code number 215, you’ll need to select all and submit for validation on each page.
Alternatively, select the plus button on a student’s row to expand the student’s record for more detailed information.
If you click on the details button to view the expanded student record, you can also select the View Previously Reported Student Data to compare the data that is in the current submission to the current data in the Clearinghouse’s system.
Select the appropriate value from the PBS to be Applied field and then click Submit for Validation.
If you have any questions on the Privacy Block Setting, its uses, or how to submit these values via the individual student update or enrollment submission process, you can reach out to us at schoolops@studentclearinghouse.org.