Let’s use the analysis-ready report to gather a list of former dual enrolled students and uncover their postsecondary journey.
If you’d like to follow along, you can use the StudentTracker 3.0 Analysis-Ready Report Sample (csv). It’s the same sample file used in the video.
This session is intended for secondary institutions active with StudentTracker 3.0.
Let’s review how to gather a list of students who were dual enrolled during high school and continued onto postsecondary education after graduating high school.
First, the ability to Filter must be enabled. To do that, select all your data and then select Data followed by Filter.
Start by filtering on students who were dual enrolled during high school by scrolling to column CK. This column shows the 8-digit OPEID of each institution attended by any student who was dual enrolled during high school. The students for whom this field is blank were not dual enrolled. So, let’s remove students who were not dual enrolled. Select the filter option on the column header and deselect (blanks). If you are a district, state or consortium, you can filter down to a particular high school by filtering on column J. Here is your list of dual enrollment students from a particular high school.
Now scroll to column AA, AB and AC. Column AA notes the students who attended college during the first fall after high school. Column AB notes the students who attended college during the first year after high school. Column AC notes the students who attended college during the first two years after high school.
These outcomes are based on the student’s first enrollment after high school, beginning in the first fall. Not all students enroll in college in the first fall. Some students may not enroll until the following spring or the following year. The timing in which your student first enrolls is captured in these columns.
To see a list of dual enrollment students who attended college during the first fall, filter column AA to value Y. For these students, a value of Y will appear in Column AB and AC as well.
To see a list of dual enrollment students who first attended college during the first year after high school, filter column AB to Y. For a student who first enrolled in the spring semester after high school, a value of N will appear in Column AA and a Y in Column AB.
To see a list of dual enrollment students who first attended college during the first two years after high school, filter column AC to Y. For a student to first enrolled in the fall one year after or the spring two years after high school, a value of N will appear in Column AA and AB, but a Y in Column AC.
Now let’s say you want to see all of your dual enrollment students who then went to a postsecondary institution out of state during their first year. Let’s clear all of our previous filters by selecting Sort & Filter, then Clear. Once again, let’s filter to only those dual enroll students. Filter on column CK to remove blanks. Now scroll to First Year College State in Column AF. Select the filtering arrow on that column. Let’s assume for our purposes that we live in the state of Texas. To find those who went out of the state of Texas, deselect TX and blanks. This shows my two dual enroll students who enrolled out of state during their first year.
You can do this same process to find those dual enroll students who went to a public or private institution after high school, and instead of first year, you can do this for Second Year or Current Year. For instance, let’s say we want to find the dual enrollment students who are currently enrolled in a Private institution. Let’s clear our filters by selecting Sort & Filter, then Clear. Filter to only those dual enroll students. Filter on column CK to remove blanks. Now scroll to Current Public/Private in column R. Select Private and make sure all others are not selected, then click OK. This will show your dual enroll students who are currently enrolled in a Private institution.
Join us for the next tutorial to learn more ways to analyze the information in your ARR.