Learn to use a pivot table in an ARR to create a postsecondary institutions first attended list.

If you’d like to follow along, you can use the StudentTracker 3.0 Analysis-Ready Report Sample (csv). It’s the same sample file used in the video.

This session is intended for secondary institutions active with StudentTracker 3.0.



In this video, we will walk through how you can create your own top 25 report. This report will compile a list of the postsecondary institutions that your high school graduates most commonly attend. Once you download your ARR, save it as an Excel workbook, xlsx.

With the workbook open on the ARR tab, select insert and then select pivot table. Make sure new worksheet is selected, then select okay.

You can create different top 25 reports depending on the enrollment time frame. In this video, we will create a top 25 report for all students currently enrolled and another for those students enrolled in the first year.

To create a top 25 report for currently enrolled students, click and drag student_currently_enrolled to filters and filter for the value "Y". Next click and drag current_college_name to rows and your_unique_identifier to values. On your_unique_identifier, you'll notice that the value automatically reflects the count. This shows that the pivot table is counting the unique students who are currently attending each postsecondary institution.

This table is much easier to read if these schools are sorted to show those with the highest attendance. To do that, right click one of the counts in the pivot table, hover over sort and select the largest to smallest sort option. You can also add the percentage of all currently enrolled students. To do this, click and drag another your_unique_identifier to values. Click this field, then select value field settings. In the popup, select show value as and in the drop-down select percent of column total and click okay. The percentage of all currently enrolled students at each college will be shown.

You can break the information down further to compare groups of students. For instance, if you are a state or district, you can create breakdowns by high school. To do this, click and drag high_school_name to columns. Doing this will show a unique currently enrolled top 25 report for each high school. You may find there are too many columns for your data. If so, you can click and drag high_school_name to filter where you can filter to display a specific high school.

If you are a state, you can compare districts in a similar manner. Click and drag high_school_NCES to filters and filter to display a particular district NCES code.

Now let's say you want to produce the same report for first year enrollment. You can do that by following similar steps. Click and drag attend_within_first_year to filters and filter for the value "Y". Next click and drag first_year_college_name to row and your_unique_identifier to values. Once again you can include percent of first year attendance at each institution out of all students who attended within their first year. And you can filter on high_school_name. This will create a first year top 25 report.

To learn more ways to examine the information in your ARR, please watch additional tutorials.

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