In this lesson you will learn what types of queries are available to colleges and universities using StudentTracker.


There are four different types of queries you can perform in StudentTracker for Colleges and Universities.
Each query has a different purpose, slightly different logic and returns different results. The SE or subsequent enrollment query is probably the most common query that's run. The query is designed to track students who are enrolled at your institution to determine where they went after leaving your institution. The PA or prior attendance query is useful for looking at where students attended before coming to your institution. As examples you can use this to verify prior enrollment of applicants or ensure you have a full academic record of your advises. This is a backwards looking query. The DA or declined admission query is used to research students who may have chosen not to enroll at your institution. Maybe they were admitted but didn't enroll, maybe they were denied admission to your institution or maybe they were part of your summer melt. For DA queries, the aggregate report is a great way to have a quick view of who your competitor institutions are. And finally, the CO or cohort query is used to track the same group of students across multiple academic years. It's often used for reporting to the student achievement measure or SAM. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at You can also find additional webinars tutorials and help content on our website.

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