Access our StudentTracker for Colleges & Universities recorded webinars. To register for our upcoming webinars, visit our live webinar calendar.

Discover First Time Students with StudentTracker (45 minutes)

Join Michael Faulkner, Executive Director of Institutional Research at Surry Community College, as he discusses using StudentTracker for Colleges & Universities as a data check of who his first-time students are, the special needs of first-time students, and graduation rates. He’ll also briefly discuss how other departments use it for advising and from a budgeting perspective. 

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How Princeton uses StudentTracker to Uncover Bachelor Degree Outcomes (45 minutes)

Princeton has initiated a student outcome project to track the educational credentials completed by their bachelor’s degree recipients. Join Jed Marsh, Vice Provost of Institutional Research at Princeton University, as he shares his initial findings on bachelor degree career progression learned through combining StudentTracker for Colleges & Universities data with professional placement and survey data.

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How UTSA Automates StudentTracker File Transfers Discover First Time Students with StudentTracker (45 minutes)

Join Shanna Sherwood, a Research Analyst at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), to hear why UTSA decided to automate their StudentTracker file uploads and downloads for secure FTP, along with the constraints UTSA faced and the benefits they realized. In addition, Shanna will discuss how they automated their StudentTracker file transfer process with SQL, including the libraries used.

The University of Texas at San Antonio is a Hispanic-Serving public tier R1 research university that supports 35,000 students.

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Leverage StudentTracker for Colleges and Universities to Understand Transfer Data and Evaluate Programs (40 minutes)

The College of Southern Maryland is a public, regional community college focused on helping their students and community meet the challenges of individual, social, and global change. Join Jacqui Rogers-Frere, the Interim Assistant Registrar at the College of Southern Maryland, to hear about the unique way her office uses Clearinghouse’s StudentTracker for Colleges & Universities to gather transfer data on diverse populations. Jacqui will describe how her campus uses this data to help make decisions on whether certain programs are helping the populations they were designed to aid. In addition, she will talk about how they use this information in curriculum development efforts.

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Your Questions Answered (30 minutes)

Listen to the answers to the questions submitted by attendees for both StudentTracker for Colleges & Universities basic and Premium Service. 

  • Questions related to Query Files
  • Questions related to using StudentTracker Data
  • General StudentTracker Service Questions


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