Welcome to the StudentTracker for High Schools service used by high schools, school districts, consortiums and state departments of education. Beginning with a graduates file submission, the StudentTracker for High Schools service allows you to get postsecondary enrollment, persistence, and completion for your graduates.

In this course you will learn:

  • What StudentTracker for High Schools is
  • How to use StudentTracker
  • About the different search options available
  • How to create and submit different types of files
  • How to read reports
  • How this data is being used

The course is broken up into several sections: Overview, Effective Dates & File Differences, Format & Prepare to Submit Files, Upload Files, User Administration, Secure Site and Stored Records, Working with Reports, StudentTracker in Action, and DiplomaVerify. Check the materials tab for additional resources. If you are implementing the service, it’s recommended you also review the Implementing Your Service Knowledge Base article.

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