Learn how to search for orders using search criteria and customizing column views.


Today we'll learn how to use the search features of Transcript Ordering and modify column views.

Once you've logged onto the secure site and are on the Transcript Services summary snapshot, we can use the search feature by clicking on the search tab. Search will allow us to search transcript orders by order status, hold status like a financial hold, processing options, order number, student identifiers, name or email address. Let's search for a list of new orders by selecting new orders from the pull down menu and select all for processing option.

Now we'll enter a date range for the orders we'd like to view. We can search by day, week, month or year. Search dates are limited to a 12-month period. Now we'll click on submit to view the results. The search results will appear in the table below. We can sort the columns in ascending and descending order as well as add additional columns to create a custom view.

To add additional columns, click on the View button and select manage columns. A new window will appear. Select any additional columns you wish to add. So if we want to add transcript type, check the appropriate box. Creating a custom view makes it easier to view the information needed to process orders without having to access the detailed order information. Columns can be reordered using the up and down arrows on the right. Select okay after all desired additions and adjustments have been made.

Columns can also be reordered by clicking on view then the reorder column option. You can also reorder columns by grabbing the column header with your mouse and dragging it to the new position.

After the custom view is set, we can download the orders onto an Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will contain three tabs: order detail, labels and order summary.

We can update the order status by using the drop-down menu located on the left of each order. Select the appropriate status and select apply changes to save and complete order processing.

For more detailed information on managing orders, please review the users guide online or view our other available tutorials.

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