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  7. StudentTracker


Get a better understanding of learner pathways and outcomes.

As the only nationwide source of postsecondary enrollment and degree data, StudentTracker provides you with insights on learner pathways and outcomes unavailable anywhere else.

StudentTracker services cover high schools, districts, and state agencies; colleges and universities; and educational organizations.


Get a better understanding of learner pathways and outcomes.

As the only nationwide source of postsecondary enrollment and degree data, StudentTracker provides you with insights on learner pathways and outcomes unavailable anywhere else.

StudentTracker services cover high schools, districts, and state agencies; colleges and universities; and educational organizations.

Nationwide coverage

Only StudentTracker has enrollment and degree information provided to us regularly by more than 3,500 colleges and universities that enroll over 97% of all students in public and private U.S. institutions, which enables you to determine your cohorts’ postsecondary outcomes across the U.S.


All types of postsecondary institutions are included: in-state, out-of-state, two-year, four-year, public, private, trade school, vocational, and more.


StudentTracker allows you to follow learners in their journeys across state lines, during stop-outs, through school changes,
graduation and beyond.

Direct from the source

Unlike traditional methods of data collection that have inherent data quality issues, such as surveys, StudentTracker results are based on actual enrollment and degree records provided directly to us by more than 3,500 participating U.S. postsecondary institutions.

How Your Learners Benefit

StudentTracker offers insights on student pathways and success unavailable anywhere else enabling you to make more informed decisions that can improve outcomes for your learners.

Features You’ll Love

High Schools, Districts,
& State Agencies

StudentTracker® for High Schools

Add DiplomaVerify for free! DiplomaVerify automates your diploma verifications, using the same data you report to us for StudentTracker.

Transforms your insights from static to interactive. Learn more about StudentTracker 3.0.

Colleges & Universities


StudentTracker® for Colleges & Universities

Base Service

  • Unlimited batch file submissions*
  • Unlimited student lookups via the web
  • Detailed student-level report that you can combine with your data for analysis by any variable you choose
  • Aggregate report with enhanced summary-level information on the students in your batch file
  • Ability to run cohort queries for the Student Achievement Measure (SAM) Project

*You can include up to 250,000 students in each file you submit to StudentTracker.

Premium Service

  • Analysis-ready reports
  • Ability to re-run request files
  • Data visualizations: gender, race, institutions attended, remediation, and completions
  • Institution-specific reports: completions, persistence/retention, and tracking transfer
  • Industry credentials data

Educational Organizations

StudentTracker® for Educational Organizations

  • Access to nationwide postsecondary enrollment and graduation data for your cohort
  • Student unit-level data that you can combine with your own data to analyze educational trends and patterns
  • Secure and easy batch file exchanges

Are you a small nonprofit working with outreach program students or federally funded TRIO program? Talk to us about StudentTracker for Outreach.

YouTube Video: StudentTracker for High Schools - Learn How Prepared Your Students Are for Success
YouTube Video: StudentTracker for Colleges & Universities
National Student Clearinghouse is trusted and secure

Our Commitment to Data Security and Privacy

All Clearinghouse services facilitate compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), The Higher Education Act, and other applicable laws. The Clearinghouse also respects all participating institutions’ policies concerning the release of student data to third parties.

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