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College Completion Rates Edge Upward

After several years of stalled progress in the national college completion rates, there are promising signs of improvement in the percentage of college students who are earning credentials within a six-year period, according to a report by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.

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Latest from the Research Center

  • Current Term Enrollment Estimates

    Latest enrollment estimates for the current term nationally and by state, reported on by institution types, student groups, and major fields.

  • Yearly Progress and Completion

    The Yearly Progress and Completion report contains many elements previously published in the NSC Research Center’s two primary reports focused on student progress toward credential attainment, Yearly Success and Progress and Completing College. This report combines the year-over-year look at a cohort’s journey toward completion (Yearly Success and Progress) with the in-depth analysis of six-year and eight-year cohort completion rates (Completing College) into an interactive dashboard.

  • Stay Informed

    In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges and universities are pressed to re-evaluate their long- and short-term strategies, particularly as they pertain to enrollment management and student support services. The Research Center’s Stay Informed report series continues to enable educational and policy leaders to make informed decisions through timely enrollment trend reporting that began with the pandemic.

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