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  7. Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) Reporting
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FVT/GE Reporting

Benefit from the Clearinghouse’s decades of compliance experience

Bookmark this page for updates on Financial Value Transparency & Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) requirements and our free and easy-to-use reporting solution.

Last Updated: July 15, 2024

FVT/GE Reporting

Benefit from the Clearinghouse’s decades of compliance experience

Bookmark this page for updates on Financial Value Transparency & Gainful Employment (FVT/GE) requirements and our free and easy-to-use reporting solution.

Last Updated: July 15, 2024

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Impact of New FVT/GE Requirements

The higher education regulatory landscape is changing. Increasingly, the focus is on educational cost and value. The new FVT/GE regulations require institutions to report enrollment, institutional cost (a student’s annual cost of attending), and financial aid data. The Department of Education (ED) will use these reports in the following ways, which could affect student financial aid and enrollment at your institution.


  • Student financial aid. By statute, ED must assess whether career programs are “preparing students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.” Over time, programs that fall short of the standard could lose access to federal student aid.
  • Enrollment. ED will use institutions’ reports and other sources to calculate and publish the likely out-of-pocket costs, debt, and post-graduation earnings for students in both GE and non-GE programs. Starting July 1, 2026, for programs that fail to meet certain benchmarks, institutions will be required to provide specific student warnings and acknowledgments, before signing enrollment agreements with prospective students.


Key Dates

July 1, 2024:

Institutions can start reporting their GE and FVT data to ED.

July 2024:

The first iteration of the Clearinghouse’s free reporting solution becomes available.

October 1, 2024:

Institutions must submit their first reports to ED.

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. 

Your Free Clearinghouse Solution

FVT/GE reporting requirements include data elements that typically are housed in multiple sources, managed by different departments, and not easily accessible for reporting. We understand that these new reporting requirements come at a time when most institutions have no resources to spare to build and support complex new compliance processes.

That’s why we’re applying our decades of compliance experience and extensive resources to develop a solution that will help you navigate these challenges — and lay the foundation for a system that can easily adapt to meet future reporting needs.

Here’s how our solution will ease your administrative burden, reduce data processing turnaround times, and increase data accuracy for FVT/GE reporting.

Streamlined completers reporting with accuracy check

NSLDS will send your completers list (the list of students who completed your programs) to the Clearinghouse, which will validate the data. Your institution can then use our secure site to access and update this list, as necessary — before we provide your final list to NSLDS. This feature will ensure that your institution’s reporting is as up-to-date and accurate as possible.

Cohort identification

The Clearinghouse will use enrollment and degree data from the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and your institution to identify your cohort (the group of students you must include in your report). We’ll also identify students who might be missing from this data by systematically reviewing the 20 years of enrollment history that has been reported to the Clearinghouse.

Data collection

Your institution will validate the cohort file and add data on financial aid and institutional costs (active students’ annual cost of attendance and graduates’ total costs of attendance). After completing these additions, your institution will return the file to the Clearinghouse for review.

Data validation

After receiving your required financial aid data, the Clearinghouse will make sure all data fields adhere to NSLDS definitions and standards. We’ll also ensure that your data passes a robust series of validations to reduce the risk of NSLDS’ rejecting records, which would require more work by your institution.

File submission and monitoring

After the required reports are submitted to NSLDS, we’ll notify you if you need to take any action based on responses from NSLDS. We will also track each step of the process to ensure its completion and the ability to readily respond to audit requests.

Stay Up to Date

The Clearinghouse is closely tracking and reporting on developments in the FVT/GE requirements to keep you up to date on what you need to know.

FVT/GE tracker

Read our frequently updated FAQs on reporting requirements and our free solution.

Preparing for FVT/GE

Watch our webinars to make sure your institution is ready for the new reporting requirements.

Link to watch GE/FVT webinar

Regulatory updates

View the latest information on FVT/GE from the Department of Education.

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Benefits of Working With the Clearinghouse

We’re the compliance experts

We’ve been providing higher education institutions with tools for complying with federal reporting requirements since the 1990s, giving us deep and unprecedented experience in crafting solutions that meet the needs of both institutions and regulators.

We’ll lighten your workload

The Clearinghouse can identify students who would otherwise be missing from your cohort and completers record, and we will prefill some of your FVT/GE report data, which saves you time and effort.

We’ll prepare you for the future

Our FVT/GE solution creates a new and flexible data intake model that will give your institution more options for how it submits data to the Clearinghouse. This model can adapt more readily to evolving regulations and the way they affect your institution’s compliance and reporting needs. Our solution also provides an easier discrepancy resolution process.

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