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Learner Insights

Gain richer insights on learner progress and outcomes.

Our insights empower you to make data-driven, student-centered decisions to improve learner outcomes. With our tools for secondary and postsecondary educators and educational organizations, you can harness the power of our unique national student data resources. This data — THE source for education insights — can help you understand learner pathways and outcomes and help learners succeed. Learner Insights’ services include StudentTracker, Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP), and Custom Research. (Already participate in the PDP?  Access the user portal.)

Learner Insights

Gain richer insights on learner progress and outcomes.

Our insights empower you to make data-driven, student-centered decisions to improve learner outcomes. With our tools for secondary and postsecondary educators and educational organizations, you can harness the power of our unique national student data resources. This data — THE source for education insights — can help you understand learner pathways and outcomes and help learners succeed. Learner Insights’ services include StudentTracker, Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP), and Custom Research. (Already participate in the PDP?  Access the user portal.)


As a nonprofit, the Clearinghouse empowers the education community with affordable ways to use the expansive education data we manage to benefit schools and learners.

Verified data

The Clearinghouse is the source for authenticated data on student enrollment and academic achievements.


No one can match the breadth and comprehensiveness of the nationwide educational data available through the Clearinghouse.

Get actionable learner insights

Our insights empower you to make data-driven, student-centric decisions to improve learner outcomes.

How Your Learners Benefit

Better insights enable you to improve the programs and strategies that support learners, help them prepare for and complete higher education and, ultimately, set them on the path to greater success.

Unparalleled National Coverage

Most U.S. colleges and universities participate in the Clearinghouse and regularly submit enrollment and degree information to us. This includes all types of institutions: in-state, out-of-state, two-year, four-year, public, private, trade school, vocational, and more. As a result, we manage the only nationwide collection of postsecondary enrollment and degree records, providing a unique and invaluable tool for researching learner progress and outcomes.



Percentage of currently enrolled U.S. postsecondary students



Percentage of U.S. four-year postsecondary degrees

For high schools, districts, & state agencies

StudentTracker® for High Schools

StudentTracker can help you explore the paths your graduates take through higher education so that you can more accurately gauge the college success of your alumni.

Transforms your insights from static to interactive. Learn more about StudentTracker 3.0.

iKeepSafe FERPA badge   iKeepSafe CSPC badge

Awarded to StudentTracker for High Schools by iKeepSafe, the leading student data privacy and digital safety nonprofit.

For colleges & universities

StudentTracker® for Colleges & Universities

Base Service

Our base service lets you track and study the enrollment and credential attainment of your prospective, current, and former students at postsecondary institutions across the United States.

Premium Service

Premium Service transforms your understanding of student pathways and improves research efficiency through process automation.

If you already participate in the StudentTracker base service, contact us about upgrading to Premium Service.

Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP)

The PDP empowers your institution with more comprehensive data, easier analysis, and better visual representations to help you understand, improve, and communicate student momentum and outcomes.

For educational organizations

StudentTracker® for Educational Organizations

Your organization can use StudentTracker to study enrollment and degree completion patterns for students nationwide, taking your research beyond the limitations of local and state data resources.

Are you a small nonprofit working with outreach program students or federally funded TRIO program? Talk to us about StudentTracker for Outreach.

Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP)

The PDP makes it simple for higher education institutions to measure, assess, and share their student success data with your education organization. The PDP’s deep, accurate data enables you to better collaborate with your institutions to advance student success and synthesize the outcomes of your network institutions.

Custom Research Also Available

If you have research needs that are not met by any of the above Clearinghouse services, talk to us about developing a custom research project. Our team of custom research experts can help researchers and other education stakeholders take advantage of the Clearinghouse’s decades of deep data resources and analytical capabilities.

National Student Clearinghouse is trusted and secure

Our Commitment to Data Security and Privacy

All Clearinghouse services facilitate compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), The Higher Education Act, and other applicable laws. The Clearinghouse also respects all participating institutions’ policies concerning the release of student data to third parties.

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