Meet the Clearinghouse’s Meghan Godorov who ensures that organizations have the data they need to improve their programs and report on their impact!
Clearinghouse News
Meet Brad Hill Who Helps Education Organizations Pursue their Mission
Discover how the Clearinghouse’s Brad Hill can help your education organization accomplish its mission!
August 4th Webinar: The LER – Learning & Employment Record: What It Is, Why It Is Important, and Your Role in This Exciting Initiative
Register for the Clearinghouse’s August 4th webinar, hosted by AACRAO, The LER – Learning & Employment Record: What It Is, Why It Is Important, and Your Role in This Exciting Initiative.
New Research Center Report Shows Covid-19 Effects on Postsecondary Enrollment
The new report, A COVID-19 Supplement to Spring 2020 Current Term Enrollment Estimates, serves as a first look at the effects of COVID-19 on postsecondary enrollments, compared to spring 2018 and spring 2019, as the baselines.
Clearinghouse and Research Center Announce New Board Members
National Student Clearinghouse and the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center announced today new members to each of their respective Board of Directors.
Pace of College Enrollment Decline Slowed Nationwide Prior to Covid-19 Impact
The Spring 2020 Current Term Enrollment Estimates report provides enrollment declines and increases for each state and the District of Columbia from 2018 to 2020.
Clearinghouse, IBM and Learning Credential Network Members Join with the U.S. Commerce Department to Launch Pilot to Align Education with Cybersecurity Jobs
Business, education and government will launch a nationwide pilot to translate all education, training, and work experience to a record of transferable skills that will empower people to pursue and manage their cybersecurity education and career path, and create an interoperable learner record.
AACRAO Article: Transcript and Enrollment Questions Raised by the Pandemic
The Clearinghouse’s CEO Rick Torres recently drafted an article for AACRAO’s Connect publication, which addressed some topics that have been discussed in the higher education space as institutions are looking to navigate this pandemic.
More Than 50 Percent of Students Beginning College Part Time in 2013 Left College Without Earning a Credential Six Years Later, According to New Research Report
More than 50 percent of part-time students in the fall 2013 cohort left college without earning a credential, according to our new research report.
April 29th Webinar: Solving Your Transcript & Other Documentation Needs During COVID-19 and Beyond
Register today for the Clearinghouse’s upcoming AACRAO Coffee Break webinar on Wednesday, April 29 at 2 pm, ET, Solving Your Transcript & Other Documentation Needs During COVID-19 and Beyond, and learn how we can help you satisfy your documentation needs and more during this difficult time.