The COVID-19: Transfer, Mobility, and Progress Academic Year 2022 Report reflects the pandemic’s full-blown impact on postsecondary students.
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Upcoming Research: Transfer Report, May 3; and Some College, No Credential Report, May 10
Watch for the upcoming COVID-19 Transfer, Mobility, and Progress Report, which will be released on Tuesday, May 3, and the Some College, No Credential report will be shared on Tuesday, May 10.
Postsecondary Transfer Enrollment Stabilized In Fall 2021
The COVID-19: Transfer, Mobility, and Progress Academic Year 2021 Report, the sixth in the series, reflects the pandemic’s full-blown impact on postsecondary students.
Research Center: Making a Difference with Support from Foundations
The Research Center’s Executive Director Doug Shapiro provides insight on the center’s role during these unprecedented times and what lies ahead in this question-and-answer post.
Supporting Rural Oregon Students in High School and Beyond
Learn how National Student Clearinghouse provides data for college enrollment, persistence, transfer, and completion outcomes for high school graduates from rural and nonrural communities.
Transfer Student Disparities Grow Across Racial and Ethnic Lines During the Pandemic
This report is the first comprehensive report to assess the effects of the pandemic on student transfer during the entire academic year, in which 2.1 million undergraduate students transferred to a college other than their last enrolled institution between July 2020 and June 2021.