There has to be a better way to verify a high school student’s diploma. There is. DiplomaVerify reduces the time to process diploma verification requests.
Pandemic Stalls High School Graduation Rates
It’s important for high schools to know the research data for their own graduation rates and student performance. The Clearinghouse’s StudentTracker for High Schools can help administrators.
Clearinghouse Establishes Equity in Research & Analytics Unit
The Clearinghouse’s Research Center on Equity in Research and Analytics intends to reflect our values that equity should be at the center of any data collection or acquisition.
DiplomaVerify Now Used by More Than 1,000 High Schools Nationwide
As schools look to meet the growing demand for record verification, the Clearinghouse’s DiplomaVerify is an increasingly important tool for high schools.
Resources to Help You Use Your StudentTracker for High Schools Service
The Clearinghouse’s StudentTracker for High Schools’ service is a handy tool in the toolkit for examining students’ actual postsecondary pathways.
4 Keys for Improving Student Outcomes Using Data from StudentTracker
The Clearinghouse’s StudentTracker for High Schools’ service is a handy tool in the toolkit for examining students’ actual postsecondary pathways.
High School Benchmarks 2021 Report Features Gap Year Enrollment Analysis
The High School Benchmarks report features a special analysis of gap year enrollment for 2020 high school graduates who waited until fall 2021 to enroll in college.
Clearinghouse Celebrates National GEAR UP Week, September 20-24, 2021
The National Student Clearinghouse joins with the National Council for Community and Education Partnerships, partners, thousands of students, parents, teachers, and college access professionals to celebrate GEAR UP Week, September 20-24!
Supporting Rural Oregon Students in High School and Beyond
Learn how National Student Clearinghouse provides data for college enrollment, persistence, transfer, and completion outcomes for high school graduates from rural and nonrural communities.
#CyberSecurED Webinar: Building a Cyber-Ready Campus
Register today for our webinar, #CyberSecurED: Building a Cyber-Ready Campus, Thursday, September 23, 12 pm ET.