COVID-19’s impact on colleges and universities nationwide is solidifying, according to research by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.
Research Reports
College Enrollment Declines 603,000 to 16.9 Million Students
Review the Spring 2021 Current Term Enrollment Estimates Report, which provides national enrollment estimates by institutional sector, enrollment intensity, age group, gender, major field as well as state-level enrollment estimates.
Helping 36 Million Former Students Complete Their Education in New Ways
It is not uncommon for college students to start and then stop somewhere along the way to receiving a degree. Opportunities exist for schools to reach out to the “Some College, No Degree” population to bring them back and help them complete their degrees.
Transfer Enrollment Decline of Nearly 10% from Last Spring Marks Steepest Drop Since the Pandemic Started
With 94% of Clearinghouse institutions reporting, transfer enrollment at community colleges continues to be hit hardest by the pandemic, regardless of student group, gender, race and ethnicity, or age, while public four-year institutions remain the least affected among all sectors.
The Clearinghouse: Your Partner to Close the Education and Skills Gap Now and in the Future
To help the education community go further, the Clearinghouse provides innovative solutions at minimal or no charge that meet reporting, research, verification, transcript, and data exchange demands across the K-20 to workforce continuum today and for the future.
5 Strategies to Target, Recruit, and Retain College Students
Discover five strategies to address your enrollment challenges.
Pandemic Challenges Higher Ed To Reach Enrollment Goals
The pandemic continues to challenge higher education’s enrollment goals. To help institutions, the Research Center will release the following three research reports in June.
Understanding “Summer Melt” with StudentTracker for High Schools
With StudentTracker for High Schools, you obtain accurate data to assess “summer melt” and steps to reduce it.
Spring Undergraduate Enrollment Down 5.9%; Community Colleges Decline 11.3%
Spring undergraduate enrollment is down 5.9% compared to the same time last year, according to the latest research by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. This is the steepest decline in undergraduate enrollment since the beginning of the pandemic.
The Postsecondary Data Partnership: Mobilizing for Student Success and Equity
The Postsecondary Data Partnership, the latest innovative service from the National Student Clearinghouse, is a transformative tool for measuring institutional outcomes and growing student success.