Our new PDP Insights dashboard can help institutions understand the impact of the pandemic on students’ first-year momentum toward degree completion.
Research Services
Current Term Enrollment Estimates Report Shows Slight Gains for Higher Education
Undergraduate enrollment grew 1.2% and graduate enrollment grew 0.6%, according to the fall 2023 Current Term Enrollment Estimates report.
Exploring the College Closures & Student Outcomes Dashboard
The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center’s interactive College Closures and Student Outcomes dashboard enables a closer view of the impact of college closures on student education pathways.
Happy Season of Giving!
Watch the National Student Clearinghouse 2023 holiday ecard.
Progress in National College Completions Remain Stalled
The Completing College 2023 report, from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, found that the six-year completion rate for the fall 2017 cohort was 62.2 percent, essentially unchanged since 2015.
Giving Thanks: An Expression of Gratitude from the Clearinghouse
The Clearinghouse extends our sincere gratitude to those who play a pivotal role in our work throughout the year.
Stay Informed Report: Undergraduate Enrollment Grows for the First Time Post-Pandemic, Despite Freshmen Declines
The National Student Clearinghouse Research Center released its fall 2023 Stay Informed Report, showing gains in higher education enrollment.
2023 High School Benchmarks Report: Immediate College-Going Rate Improves for the First Time Since Beginning of the Pandemic
The 2023 High School Benchmarks Report reveals the first improvement in immediate college enrollment rates for high school graduates since 2020. The report includes a special analysis of the enduring impact that the pandemic has had on college enrollment.
Spotlight on Latinx Higher Education Trends
As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we’re proud of the role that the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center plays in advancing Latinx higher education through the insights on postsecondary access and success its national reports provide to education leaders and policymakers.
Achieving the Dream’s Postsecondary Data Partnership Courses Are Back!
Achieving the Dream is offering free online Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP) courses for fall 2023.