The National Student Clearinghouse research services provide actionable insights that help inform the decision-making of schools, foundations, and the government.
Research Services
Higher Ed Transfer Paths Shrink Nearly 300,000 During the Pandemic
Doug Shapiro, executive director of the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center, explains how this transfer data can help inform systemic change to support learners from low-income backgrounds. Learn more about the role of community college enrollments, institution type, and demographics in transfer trends in the following interview.
Higher Ed Trends During the Pandemic: What’s New and What’s Next
Doug Shapiro, Executive Director of the Research Center, describes how the pandemic impacted higher education and what’s to come as the 2022-2023 school year gets underway.
6 Trends to Impact Institutional Data and Analytics
New EDUCAUSE report addresses six key technologies and practices that will have “a significant impact on the future of higher education data and analytics.”
On Average, Students Not on Track to Complete College in 5 Years
Postsecondary Data Partnership Insights Reports shows that the average full-time student does not attempt enough credits to complete a bachelor’s degree or earn enough credits to complete a bachelor’s degree within five years.
Identifying Challenges and Potential Solutions to Keep Students on Track to Enroll and Graduate During COVID-19
The Institute for College Access and Success discovered common challenges and potential solutions to keep students on track to enroll and graduate from college.
New Report Suggests Higher Ed Should Focus on Early Interventions to Prevent Stop-Out
In the fall 2015 beginning postsecondary student cohort, enrolling part time was a significant disadvantage for retention, persistence, and degree attainment.
6 Lessons for Student Success
The Clearinghouse is ready to provide institutions the latest data via the Postsecondary Data Partnership and more to help students succeed.
Clearinghouse and Research Center Announce New Board Leaders and Members
Learn about new board chairs, vice chairs, and members of the National Student Clearinghouse and the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.
75% of Fall 2020 Freshman Class Returned to College by Fall 2021
The Persistence and Retention report series examines first-year persistence and retention rates for first-time college students. This annual report helps institutions understand trends and disparities in this important early success indicator.