To learn how reverse transfer can help your institution and students, register and attend our webinar, Reverse Transfer: Improve Transfer Retention and Graduation Rates, on June 29 at 1 pm ET.
Transcript & Data Exchange Services
Save Time, Delight Your Students with Third-Party Transcript Ordering for Registrars
Our newest option for participating Transcript Ordering institutions — Third-Party Ordering for Registrars — enables registrars to order transcripts on behalf of students.
Helping 36 Million Former Students Complete Their Education in New Ways
It is not uncommon for college students to start and then stop somewhere along the way to receiving a degree. Opportunities exist for schools to reach out to the “Some College, No Degree” population to bring them back and help them complete their degrees.
The Clearinghouse: Your Partner to Close the Education and Skills Gap Now and in the Future
To help the education community go further, the Clearinghouse provides innovative solutions at minimal or no charge that meet reporting, research, verification, transcript, and data exchange demands across the K-20 to workforce continuum today and for the future.
National Student Clearinghouse: Education’s Partner to Open Doors Now and in the Future
Pepe Carreras, Vice President of Education Solutions, discusses that social equity and transforming student lives have been at the heart and soul of higher education since its inception. The Clearinghouse is working to provide leaders with data that can help them pinpoint and address these issues and more.
Data Transparency: The Key to Solving the Skills Gap and Benefiting Employers, Educators and Learners
Attend our webinar on June 9 at 2 pm ET to learn about the Clearinghouse’s data collection beyond a traditional education to include credentials and skills that people attain through lifelong learning!
The Postsecondary Data Partnership: Mobilizing for Student Success and Equity
The Postsecondary Data Partnership, the latest innovative service from the National Student Clearinghouse, is a transformative tool for measuring institutional outcomes and growing student success.
Myhub Soon to Offer Student Self-Service Features
Student Self-Service is being integrated with Myhub, extending the many time-saving and other benefits available to institutions and their students as well as an improved user experience.
Join the Clearinghouse at Ellucian Live 2021
Read about the solutions from the National Student Clearinghouse that will be featured at the virtual Ellucian Live conference on April 12-14.
Don’t Miss the Clearinghouse’s Presentations and Sponsorships at the 2021 AACRAO Annual Meeting
Learn about the Clearinghouse’s line-up of presentations and sponsorships at this year’s virtual AACRAO Annual Meeting on March 29 through April 1.