It is not uncommon for college students to start and then stop somewhere along the way to receiving a degree. Opportunities exist for schools to reach out to the “Some College, No Degree” population to bring them back and help them complete their degrees.
Verification Services
The Clearinghouse: Your Partner to Close the Education and Skills Gap Now and in the Future
To help the education community go further, the Clearinghouse provides innovative solutions at minimal or no charge that meet reporting, research, verification, transcript, and data exchange demands across the K-20 to workforce continuum today and for the future.
National Student Clearinghouse: Education’s Partner to Open Doors Now and in the Future
Pepe Carreras, Vice President of Education Solutions, discusses that social equity and transforming student lives have been at the heart and soul of higher education since its inception. The Clearinghouse is working to provide leaders with data that can help them pinpoint and address these issues and more.
Data Transparency: The Key to Solving the Skills Gap and Benefiting Employers, Educators and Learners
Attend our webinar on June 9 at 2 pm ET to learn about the Clearinghouse’s data collection beyond a traditional education to include credentials and skills that people attain through lifelong learning!
5 Takeaways from Employers, Educational Institutions, and the Clearinghouse on Advancing a Skills-Based Workforce
A national, learning and employment record infrastructure will support learners by enabling them and institutions of learning to match their skills and attainment to career positions they are pursuing.
2021: A New Year and a New Beginning for our Education System, Learners, and the Workforce
This year, with the deepest commitment we can make, we will further enable learners, institutions, and enterprises to move forward and rebuild in 2021.
Districts and High Schools: Join Us for Our DiplomaVerify Webinar on Nov. 11th. Register Now!
Join us on November 11th for our 30-minute webinar, “Make the Most of Your DiplomaVerify Service,” and learn how your district or high school can maximize the benefits of this valuable time-saving service.
Important Information for Institutions Impacted by Wildfires
Don’t miss this guidance from the Department of Education on what schools affected by disasters should do.
Clearinghouse Data Helps Education and Workforce Organizations Work Together
Education is going through a massive evolution, and the Clearinghouse is expanding its services to provide better data that empowers education and workforce organizations to make good decisions.
Get Ready for Fall! Update Your Clearinghouse Contacts Now
Why it’s important that your school review and update your National Student Clearinghouse contacts.