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- Don’t Miss the Clearinghouse at Ellucian Live 2022

Don’t Miss the Clearinghouse at Ellucian Live 2022
Talk to Us in Booth #601 & Catch Our Sessions
The Clearinghouse is your partner for faster, easier, and better solutions for your institution and your students and alumni. Our team, including our Transcript Services and Myhub product managers, have a lot to share with you at Ellucian Live on April 10-13 in Denver about our services, including what’s new and what’s coming. Stop by our booth, #601, and let’s talk about how the Clearinghouse can help you and your students with solutions that:
- Speed transcript delivery with real-time SIS integration
- Help you send data faster to schools, employers & student success programs
- Enable learner career empowerment through the Learning and Employment Record
- Measure student outcomes, close equity gaps, and grow student success
And make time to join us for these Clearinghouse sessions:
What’s New with the Clearinghouse Transcript Services
Monday, April 11 at 1:30 pm (Solution Showcase)
The Clearinghouse has been working on several exciting new enhancements and services for you and your students! You’ll learn how you can send bulk orders on behalf of your students and alumni using Third-Party Ordering-Registrar batch or API-based processing, see our new out-of-network PDF Download Center, and get a sneak peek at our enhanced school secure site reports and administrative area. Come ready to learn from and ask questions of your host, Samantha Hanson, Senior Product Manager for Transcript Services, as she shares the latest Transcript Services offerings available to benefit your institution and students.
Empowering Learners to Use Their Data Through Electronic Wallet Technology
Tuesday, April 12 at 3:45 pm (Session 665338)
Join Tara Conrad, our Data Connectivity Manager, for an interactive discussion about giving learners access to their data and empowering them to curate and use it in meaningful ways. Bringing together open badges, comprehensive learner records, and traditional academic data can provide powerful tools, insights, and opportunities for learners. This conversation will share lessons learned from several bleeding-edge pilots and initiatives to support learner mobility, skills gap analysis, and credentials exchange, such as the Indiana Achievement Wallet and Education Design Labs: X-Credit.
Leveraging the Postsecondary Data Partnership to Support Student Success
Tuesday, April 12 at 3:45 pm (Session 663069)
In this session, Ken McVearry, Senior Specialist of Postsecondary Data Partnerships, will provide you with an engaging look into our new national initiative: the Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP). Education leaders rely on the Clearinghouse’s unique national student data resources to better understand student pathways and outcomes. The PDP transforms the way institutions measure, analyze, and report on student progress so that more students can realize a credential. The PDP is dedicated to the idea that easier access to better data helps institutions develop actionable insights for improving student success and equitable outcomes. With the PDP’s analytics and benchmarking, colleges are empowered to examine KPI visualizations around student enrollment, early momentum indicators, and outcome measures through its Tableau dashboards and analysis-ready files that can quickly disaggregate the data through a range of insightful and intersectional characteristics.
Equity in Data and Reporting
On-demand (665089)
Watch this informative on-demand session presented by Dr. Afet Dundar, Director of Equity in Research & Analytics for the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. The National Student Clearinghouse has decades of experience in working with data to generate knowledge that is beneficial not only to colleges and universities but also to the education community and public. As a result, we recognize working with data involves making many decisions and that many of these decisions have equity implications. The need for analyzing and addressing equity issues systematically in every step of data collection, reporting and use is greater than ever before. How can we use data to enable an understanding of who is not served well by the system? What data and metrics would help close equity gaps? In this session, Dr. Dundar will discuss why we should care about taking an equitable approach to data collection and reporting. During this session, Dr. Dundar will also share findings from our recent Research Center publications that demonstrate the impact of the pandemic on higher education.
See you at Ellucian Live!

If you’re going to Ellucian Live, don’t forget to stop by booth #601 to talk to the Clearinghouse team about how we can help you and your students. Plus, don’t miss our informative sessions.
Doug Shapiro
Executive director, National Student Clearinghouse Research Center