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Undergraduate Enrollment Stabilizes While Graduate Enrollment Declines

Undergraduate Enrollment Stabilizes While Graduate Enrollment Declines

Undergraduate enrollment this spring is stabilizing, primarily due to a slight increase in community college students, according to the Spring 2023 Current Term Enrollment Estimates report. A rise in dual-enrolled high school students is driving the increase in community college enrollment, according to the report

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Quantifying the Impact of College Closures

Quantifying the Impact of College Closures

The second of three reports released by SHEEO leverages the robust dataset constructed by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center to examine the impact of college closures on students’ subsequent postsecondary enrollment and completion outcomes

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Persistence Rate Gap Between Full-Time and Part-Time Students Begins Early and Stays Consistent in Subsequent Years of College Enrollment

Persistence Rate Gap Between Full-Time and Part-Time Students Begins Early and Stays Consistent in Subsequent Years of College Enrollment

According to the recently released Yearly Success and Progress Rates report from our Research Center, gaps in persistence rates between full-time and part-time students start early and stay consistent in subsequent years, with part-time starters stopping out more than twice the rate of full-time starters. The report tracks yearly college outcomes for first-time degree-seeking students enrolling full-time and part-time.

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