High School Benchmarks 2021 Report Features Gap Year Enrollment Analysis
The High School Benchmarks report features a special analysis of gap year enrollment for 2020 high school graduates who waited until fall 2021 to enroll in college.
The High School Benchmarks report features a special analysis of gap year enrollment for 2020 high school graduates who waited until fall 2021 to enroll in college.
Roughly two months into the second fall semester of the pandemic, postsecondary enrollment is now running 2.6% below last year’s level, according to the latest research.
The fall postsecondary enrollment numbers show no signs of recovery from last year’s declines, according to early data released today in an update to the Stay Informed with the Latest Enrollment Information. Review the research.
The Research Center’s Executive Director Doug Shapiro provides insight on the center’s role during these unprecedented times and what lies ahead in this question-and-answer post.
COVID-19’s impact on colleges and universities nationwide is solidifying, according to research by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center.
Review the Spring 2021 Current Term Enrollment Estimates Report, which provides national enrollment estimates by institutional sector, enrollment intensity, age group, gender, major field as well as state-level enrollment estimates.
Discover five strategies to address your enrollment challenges.
The pandemic continues to challenge higher education’s enrollment goals. To help institutions, the Research Center will release the following three research reports in June.
Spring undergraduate enrollment is down 5.9% compared to the same time last year, according to the latest research by the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. This is the steepest decline in undergraduate enrollment since the beginning of the pandemic.
For this spring, COVID-19 accelerated the decline in transfer particularly for White and Black students, male students, and traditional college-age students.