by NSC Blog | Aug 3, 2021 | Announcements, Clearinghouse News, K-12, Research Services, Transcript & Data Exchange Services, Verification Services
Review the Clearinghouse’s 2020 Annual Impact Report that shows the Clearinghouse continues to serve with remarkable efficiency and is an irreplaceable resource for learners, and educational and employment institutions.
by NSC Blog | May 17, 2021 | Blockchain, Learning Employment Records, Myhub, Research Services, Transcript & Data Exchange Services, Verification Services
Attend our webinar on June 9 at 2 pm ET to learn about the Clearinghouse’s data collection beyond a traditional education to include credentials and skills that people attain through lifelong learning!
by NSC Blog | Feb 22, 2021 | Research Reports, Research Services
COVID-19 has had a negative impact on enrollment rates in 2020, which could be an early warning sign that the job market may not be able to fulfill the needs of high-demand positions. Anne M. Kress shares five important strategic levers for supporting Virginia’s students, the job market, and the economy.
by NSC Blog | Jan 6, 2021 | Learning Employment Records, Research Reports
COVID-19 has identified many legacy systems that aren’t as effective anymore, as well as accelerated important changes in how we understand the future of work. Educational institutions need to adapt to properly prepare the labor market for a rapidly changing future.
by NSC Blog | Oct 26, 2020 | Blockchain, Learning Employment Records, Myhub
Learn how businesses, institutions and learners should align around the Learning & Employment Record (LER) to thrive in today’s skills-based economy.
by NSC Blog | Sep 14, 2020 | Research Services, Verification Services
Education is going through a massive evolution, and the Clearinghouse is expanding its services to provide better data that empowers education and workforce organizations to make good decisions.
by NSC Blog | Jun 9, 2020 | Learning Employment Records, Myhub
Amid the economic downturn our nation presently faces, career pathways and education strategies are among those most disrupted. It has become clear: students need accurate, real-time data to help support their long-term education and career decisions.