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- Top 5 Hidden Gems of StudentTracker for High Schools

Top 5 Hidden Gems of StudentTracker for High Schools
The Data You Need for Successful Students and Programs
Education is a journey — not a destination. To follow students on their journey, StudentTracker for High Schools provides schools and districts the opportunity to observe graduating seniors’ next steps — Will they choose to attend college? Which college will they select? Will they go to a 2- or 4-year college? In-state or out-of-state? Will they graduate from college?
The answers to these questions are available to high school administrators, through StudentTracker. Review the “Top 5 Hidden Gems of StudentTracker for High Schools” to help your students and programs be successful.
1) DiplomaVerify
DiplomaVerify is a free service for districts and high schools that provides immediate online verifications of high school diplomas in a fully FERPA-compliant way. Requestors can save time and ensure they are using the most up-to-date information to make decisions about accepting candidates into higher education programs or offering them a job.
2) Demographic and Academic Report Packets
Tracking demographic and academic information provides school systems with data to assess their success in ensuring diversity, equity, inclusion, gaps, and best practices.
Demographic data is available for gender, race/ethnicity, economic disadvantage, and English language learners. Academic data provides indications of 8th-grade math and ELA/reading assessments, dual enrollment and the number of semesters of math students have completed.
3) Find Data That’s Most Important to You
StudentTracker provides schools with a program code field to track information that is of specific value. Do you want to compare outcomes for students who decided to continue to study from home with those who returned to physical classrooms during the pandemic? Are you curious about the differences in matriculation rates for students new to the district and those whose families have been in the community for many years?
StudentTracker makes it easy for you to seamlessly gather data to help you make important decisions that can pave the way to brighter futures for your students.
4) Top 25 Colleges First Attended
Where do your graduates choose to pursue their degrees? Chances are there are some top-of-mind, geographically close schools that students attend. StudentTracker provides a report that lets you see which schools’ students first attended within two years of leaving high school. The report tracks second-year retention and persistence; number of students who received various certificates or types of degrees (e.g., associates, bachelors); and shows a top-25 list for each academic year allowing to easily spot trends and identify shifting student interests.
5) Benchmark Reports
How do your students’ journeys compare to students from other high schools in your state and around the country? StudentTracker helps identify benchmarks that can help you determine where you may lead, or lag, the pack. This data provides a great way to prioritize strategies for curriculum planning, communication and outreach, and support.
StudentTracker makes it easy to measure metrics that help you see how your students are doing, what they are doing, and how you might make process improvements to continually improve student outcomes.
Education is a journey. StudentTracker can help you make that journey successful!

“StudentTracker makes it easy for you to seamlessly gather data to help you make important decisions that can pave the way to brighter futures for your students.”